Bakery Items
We strive to be “Total Kudzu” where you can come in and get an entree, fresh bread, dessert, appetizer, starch, and vegetable to create an entire meal or dinner party. Our bakery items are simple and look like you could have made them yourself without spending time in the kitchen.
(*seasonal or call for special order items)
Call today to order your favorite baked goods from our Kudzu Bakery & Market. 803-550-9927

Banana Bread*
Buttermilk White
Cinnamon Raisin
Honey Whole Wheat
Par Baked French Baguette
Pumpkin Bread*

Apple Walnut Spice Cake
Brownie Cheesecake
Caramel Pecan Cake
Carrot Cake
Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Mousse Cake
Chocolate Pound Cake
Coconut Cake
German Chocolate*
Lemon Cake*
Peach Cake*
Pound Cake
Red Velvet Cake
Rum Cake
Strawberry Cake*

Almond Lace
Chocolate Chip
Coconut Macaroon
Oatmeal Raisin
Peach Pecan Spins
Peanut Butter
Pecan Sandies
Sugar Cookies
Decorated Cookies*